“If you were going to hire a doctor to perform surgery, would you hire someone who does it now and then? Or would you hire the doctor who’s done it day in and day out for years?”
That’s a Mike Ferry line. Not only is it a compelling deal-closer, but it’s also a great way to describe why an article about Mike Ferry scripts is worth your time: He’s an expert.
A renowned real estate coach and speaker, Ferry has been providing training and coaching services to real estate professionals since the 1970s. Over the years, his scripts and methodologies have proven to be effective. They’ve been widely adopted by agents looking to improve their lead generation, prospecting, and sales skills.
He literally wrote the book on real estate sales scripts. There are dozens to explore. But as a shortcut to the fundamentals, let’s take a look at seven of “the greatest hits,” so to speak, and note why each is effective.
After that we’ll look at some best practices for getting the most out of Mike Ferry scripts so you can start working on generating leads right away.
1. The Mike Ferry “Expired” Script
2. The “Just Sold” Script
3. The FSBO Script
4. Script for Asking Your Sphere of Influence for Leads
5. The Listing Presentation Script
6. The “Just Listed” Script
7. Objection Handling Scripts
5 Best Practices: How To Get the Most Out of the Mike Ferry Scripts
1. The Mike Ferry “Expired” Script for Contacting Owners of Expired Listings
Hi [name], my name is [your name] with [brokerage/company]. I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing and I was calling to see…
When do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home?
If you sold this home, where would you go next?
That’s exciting! How soon do you have to be there?
[sometime soon]
Ouch! What do you think stopped your home from selling?
[the agent]
Really! How did you happen to pick the last agent you listed with?
Great! What did that agent do that you liked best?
Ouch! What do you feel they should have done?
[sold my house]
Really! What will you expect from the next agent you choose?
[sell my house)
Terrific! Have you already chosen an agent to work with?
Wonderful! I would like to apply for the job of selling your home. Are you familiar with the techniques I use to sell homes?
You’re kidding! What would be the best time to show you…?
Why It Works
In sensitive situations like this, it can be difficult to know what to say and how to say it. This script shows how asking open-ended questions can gently break the ice and encourage friendly dialogue.
This script is also helpful in that it gives the agent the opportunity to express empathy and genuine concern about their needs and concerns (of which they may have many!). The approach seen here can help you build rapport and position yourself as a proactive problem-solver who can save the day.
The more prepared you are for these kinds of calls, the more likely you’ll be able to turn them into clients. Get more expired listing scripts!
2. The “Just Sold” Script
Hi, this is [your name] with [brokerage/company]. [I/We] recently sold a home in your area over on [address] it has [x] bedrooms and [x] baths and it sold for at $[x]. [I/We] know when someone sells a home, usually two more sell right away. So I was wondering…
When do you plan on moving?
Terrific! How long have you lived at this address?
[ten years]
Great! Where did you move from?
Good for you! How did you happen to pick this area
Excellent! If you were to move, where would you go next?
[back to LA]
That’s exciting! And when would that be?
[three months]
Fantastic! [Only go forward if they say three months or less!]
Obviously, you realize it could take one to three months in this market to get a home sold. Did you know that?
Terrific! So my question is, do you have to be sold in one month, or do you want to start selling at that time?
Wonderful! Fortunately, to get you one step closer to [where they’re moving to], all we need to do now is simply set an appointment so I can help you get what you want in the time you want. Won’t that be great?
Fantastic! Which would be better for you… Monday or Tuesday at 4pm?
Why It Works:
The Mike Ferry “just sold” script is a classic example of his masterful way of directing the call in a very specific direction while still making it feel conversational.
Notice that it starts with a recent success story. That’s a smart place to start because it both establishes credibility and captures the homeowner’s attention.
By mentioning the recent sale in their area and highlighting key details (such as the number of bedrooms, baths, and sale price) this script establishes relevance and piques curiosity.
This script also creates a sense of urgency (in that it brings up the point about how long it may take to sell a home in the current market), which is often an effective sales tactic. And rather than ending with a yes-or-no question about whether they’d like to move forward, it assumes they will move forward and asks instead which meeting time they’d prefer.
3. The Mike Ferry “FSBO” Script
Hi, this is [your name] with [brokerage/company], and I’m calling about the home for sale. Is this the owner? I’m doing a survey of all the FSBOs in the area and I was wondering…
If you sold this home, where would you go next?
That’s exciting! How soon do you have to be there?
[three months]
Fantastic! How would you rate your motivation to move on a scale of one to ten?
Good for you! What methods are you using for marketing your home?
[signs and ads]
That’s great! How did you determine your sales price?
[other agents]
Fantastic! Are you prepared to adjust your price down when working with a buyer?
[within reason]
Terrific! Why did you decide to sell yourself, rather than list with a real estate agent?
[save the commission]
Great! If you were to list, which agent would you list with?
[none in mind]
If you were to list, what would you expect the agent to do to get your home sold?
That’s great! How much time will you take before you will consider interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home?
Excellent! What has to happen before you will consider hiring a powerful agent like myself for the job of selling your home?
Perfect! Are you familiar with the techniques I use to sell homes?
You’re kidding! What would be the best time to show you? [Day and time] or [day and time]?
Why It Works:
Contacting FSBOs is tricky business and requires a lot of finesse. They may be defensive (because they’re dead-set on selling the home themselves). Or they may feel irritated (because they frequently get calls from agents like you who are looking to offer their services).
This Mike Ferry FSBO script handles the situation brilliantly – he opens by saying he’s conducting a “survey.” That’s a great idea because, first, it’s non-threatening. And second, it comes across as helpful rather than salesy.
With an opening that helps the seller put their guard down, you’re more likely to enter into a conversation, as this script does, that’s geared toward understanding their moving plans and motivations.
If you want more ideas, check out the seven best FSBO scripts.
4. Script for Asking Your Sphere of Influence for Leads
Hi, this is [your name]. This is a business call. Do you have a minute for me?
Who do you know that would like to buy or sell real estate in the next 7-10 days? Can you think of anyone in your [church group, family, neighborhood, or office] that may need my services at this time?
Great! Would you mind if I gave them a call?
By the way, when do you plan on moving?
Why It Works:
Like many Mike Ferry scripts, this is very straightforward. It gets right to the point (“This is a business call”), which gives the recipient an immediate heads up that you aren’t calling to chitchat.
That’s a good idea, first, because it’s an efficient way to set the tone. And second, it ensures that neither you nor the recipient will waste any time. It’ll only take “a minute,” and if they don’t have that, you both can move on.
Notice that the request is very specific. Instead of saying, “Do you know anyone who needs a real estate agent,” the script asks specifically about buying and selling and even specifies a time frame (seven to ten days). And calling out particular places and community groups may help them think of someone they might not have remembered otherwise.
This script deserves a bonus point for asking for permission to contact the potential lead that the recipient thought of. That may seem like a small thing. But it goes a long way in demonstrating respect and professionalism, which can keep your sphere of influence loyal to your business.
Knowing how to generate leads from this particular segment of your market is a very important (and potentially lucrative!) skill to have. Quickly learn everything you need to know about sphere of influence marketing in real estate.
5. The Listing Presentation Script
Hi! Thanks again for having me over. I’m excited about getting your home on the market and getting it sold. Do you mind if I take a quick look at your home?
I wrote down three real important questions for you
1. Do you absolutely have to sell your home?
Fantastic! 2. Will you price your home to sell or do you want to keep it on the market for a long period of time?
Great! 3. Do you want me to handle the sale for you?
Excellent! All we need to do now is simply sign the contract so I can help you get what you want in the time you want. Won’t that be great?
[Potential client’s name], at the end of my presentation tonight, one of three things will happen:
a. You’ll have the opportunity to list your home with me or
b. You’ll decide not to list your home with me or
c. I’ll decide not to take your listing.
Any one is fine. Let’s quickly take a moment and review the questions I asked you over the phone…
After the script asks the seller a series of questions to confirm details the agent gathered during the initial call, it moves on to a detailed presentation script for the comparative market analysis (CMA) and even an explanation of the pricing strategy.
(For the complete script, check out the free Mike Ferry scripts pdf.)
Why It Works:
This very thorough script is effective for two main reasons:
- It’s clear and structured. The seller knows what’s going to happen at every turn because the script includes very helpful section introductions, such as “… at the end of my presentation tonight, one of three things will happen,” “Let’s quickly take a moment and review the questions I asked you over the phone,” and so on.
- It takes an instructional approach. For example, rather than bluntly throwing out a price recommendation, the script methodically walks the seller through the process so they’re more likely to arrive at a similar conclusion as the agent did.
6. The “Just Listed” Script
Hi, this is [your name] with [brokerage/company]. I [or my company] just listed a home for sale over on [address]. It has [x] bedrooms and [x] baths, and it’s listed at $[x]. And I was wondering, who do you know that would like to move into your area?
[no one]
Fantastic! I appreciate you taking the time to think about it. Tell me… When do you plan on moving?
Terrific! How long have you lived at this address?
[ten years]
Great! Where did you move from?
Good for you! How did you happen to pick this area?
Excellent! If you were to move, where would you go next?
That’s exciting! And when would that be?
[three months]
Fantastic! [Only go forward if they say three months or less!]
Obviously you realize it could take one to three months in this market to get a home sold. Did you know that?
Terrific! So my question is… do you have to be sold in one month, or do you want to start selling at that time?
Wonderful! Fortunately to get you one step closer to [desired location], all we need to do now is simply set an appointment so I can help you get what you want in the time you want. Won’t that be great?
Fantastic! Which would be better for you: [day/time] or [day/time]?
Why It Works:
The opening is effective in the same way that the best “just sold” postcards are effective. It’s specific and uses precise figures. And it arouses curiosity because it’s localized – the home you sold is nearby, which may get them wondering if maybe you could do the same for them.
Then comes the clever move. Like a shrewd investigator, Ferry doesn’t start with the prospect directly, which is what they might be expecting. Instead, the script first asks, “Who do you know that would like to move into your area?” This helps put their guard down and results in a smooth transition into a conversation about their moving plans, how long they’ve lived in the home, and their future aspirations.
By using this approach, not only do you get the opportunity to learn whether the homeowner could be a lead, but you may also get to tap into their network as they think of someone they might know who’s ready to buy or sell.
7. Objection Handling Scripts
Mike Ferry’s scripts for handling common objections are characteristically direct, compelling, and difficult to argue with. (It might be worth your while to learn about his approach so you can emulate it yourself.)
For example, let’s look at Ferry’s script for responding to a lead who says “We’ll save the commission by selling it ourselves.”
I agree you can save the commission by selling it yourself. Are you aware that today over [x] homes are for sale [and that] last month only [x] actually sold? That’s a [x] month supply of homes if no other homes come on the market, and last month [x] homes went on the market! [Wait for answer]
And what’s worse is the fact that only 2% of all For Sale By Owners sell themselves. And 98% are listed and sold by real estate agents. Can you afford to have only a 2% chance of selling your home? Let’s do the right thing and simply sign the contract so I can help you get what you want in the time you want won’t that be great?
[Sign the contract!]
Why It Works:
Put simply, it’s convincing.
By using facts and data related to the local market, not only does this script set you up as the local market expert, but it also provides information the seller can’t argue with.
Plus, it leverages a classic sales tactic: it emphasizes the risks associated with not taking the desired action (which in this case is working with a real estate agent to sell the home).
The script appeals to the seller’s own desire to have a higher chance of success and emphasizes the importance of making a smart decision. And the (somewhat aggressive) call to action is positioned not just as the logical next step but as the most efficient solution the seller can take to achieve their own goals. Touché, Mr. Ferry.
5 Best Practices: How To Get the Most Out of the Mike Ferry Scripts
Mastering the art of script implementation is crucial for agents looking to generate leads and grow their business.
Mike Ferry scripts provide an excellent foundation. But simply parroting the words isn’t always the best idea. To get the most out of them, you still have to put some effort into making the scripts your own. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
1. Familiarize Yourself with the Scripts
To maximize the lead-generating potential of Mike Ferry scripts, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the content and context of each script. Take the time to read and study them carefully, paying attention to the flow, tone, and key messages each conveys.
Familiarize yourself with the specific scripts that align with your objectives, whether it’s prospecting, handling objections, or conducting listing presentations. The more you internalize the scripts, the more natural and confident your delivery will become.
In other words, it’s not enough to memorize the words. You also need to understand the logic of each of the Mike Ferry scripts you use.
2. Rehearse
Practice is the key to mastering any skill, and using Mike Ferry scripts is no exception. Set aside dedicated time to rehearse them aloud, either alone or with someone else.
By practicing regularly, you’ll develop a comfortable and authentic delivery style. From there, focus on refining your tone, pacing, and inflection to create a compelling and engaging conversation. Remember, the goal is to sound natural and conversational rather than robotic or rehearsed.
3. Adjust Them To Fit Your Personality
To sound as authentic and relational as possible as you’re working with Mike Ferry’s scripts, keep in mind that they need something only you can provide: your unique personality. So feel free to modify them or simply use them as inspiration to write your own.
For example, Ferry often ends the scripts with, “… so I can help you get what you want in the time you want. Won’t that be great?” Maybe for you, it would sound more natural (or more like your brand) to say something like, “By working together, I’ll ensure that you achieve your objectives within your desired timeframe. Are you with me?” Or maybe, “Imagine the satisfaction of getting exactly what you want, exactly when you want it. Sounds great, right?”
4. Know When To Ditch the Script
Feeling locked in to a particular line of thought may hamper your ability to be flexible and respond naturally when a lead (or potential lead) goes “off script.” So be prepared to improvise.
Don’t let the scripts prevent you from listening actively and responding thoughtfully. In real estate, the most effective communication is always highly relational. As long as you’re paying close attention to their concerns, motivations, and needs and responding accordingly, you’re on the right track.
5. Embrace a Positive Mindset
Not because it’s a mind-over-matter thing. But because having a positive mindset gives you confidence and instills confidence in the mind of the person you’re talking to.
Plus, believing in the value you bring as an agent and the benefits you offer your clients will significantly impact how you deliver the Mike Ferry scripts you use. So from beginning to end, cultivate a mindset that’s optimistic, non-confrontational, and solution-oriented.
Download the Real Estate Voicemail Scripts Guide!
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