by Market Leader Social Media | Oct 28, 2010 | Lead Generation & Nurturing, Marketing, Training & Education, Websites
If you have a great website, but are not doing anything to drive prospective buyers and sellers to it…it’s like having the world’s best billboard in the middle of the desert. Who cares if no one can find it? Can your website create any “noise” or leads if no one even...
by Market Leader Social Media | Oct 20, 2010 | Events, Conferences & Tradeshows, Training & Education
Guest Post By: Tom Kelly Salespersons seem to be more analytical and reflective in the fourth quarter of the year. They look at performance sheets, seek tools to make them better, them make New Year’s Resolutions. (Why do you think the Realtors hold their annual...
by Market Leader Social Media | Oct 15, 2010 | Marketing, Training & Education
In the old days, real estate team leaders taught new members of their team how to market by simply replicating themselves, producing “mini me’s”. It’s understandable that agents used to imitate their leaders. I mean, you’ve already had enough success in your...
by Market Leader Social Media | Sep 28, 2010 | Lead Generation & Nurturing, Marketing, Training & Education
You can’t avoid hearing all the buzz about social media these days. Many, many agents are jumping on the low- or no-cost opportunities available with social media—much to their early-adopter benefit. If you are a broker, cheering on your cutting-edge agents from the...
by Market Leader Social Media | Sep 27, 2010 | Training & Education
Yes, I’m asking about January in September. You don’t have to have your marketing budget set. You don’t need to know your January sales quota. You don’t need to do a lot of things. Not yet. But at this point in the year, you probably have a...