Yes, I’m asking about January in September.

You don’t have to have your marketing budget set. You don’t need to know your January sales quota. You don’t need to do a lot of things. Not yet.

But at this point in the year, you probably have a reasonable idea of how you’ll finish 2010. You have a good idea for how many sides you’ll finish with, how much commission you’ll make, etc.

So what’s ahead for next year? What’s your 2011 income goal? How many homes are you going to sell? And how the heck are you going to get there?

The answer might require a shift, acceleration or full change to your current strategy. New lead sources, new sales tools, new partnerships. Some of these may require new people, new processes, shifts in how you do business today.

That’s a lot of new, a lot of potential change, and certainly a lot of things to figure out. And when you hit January 1, it had better be figured out or you’re already behind.

I’m not trying to scare you. You have plenty of time. Just get started now.